
Sayfco Holding Sponsors Team Shogun’s Mohammad Karaki and Rami Hamed

Big things are coming along the way


The MMA sponsorship landscape is something of a desolated land in the region, but a few contributors are taking big steps forward. It’s that time again, the time where the noble acts of certain individuals all go for the sake of the greater good, for the sake of MMA.

Today, Sayfco Holding president Chahe Yerevanian, a member of Shogun Gym who practices Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Boxing, officially announced sponsoring two of team Shogun’s best fighters, Mhammad Karaki and Rami Hamed.

Chahe Yerevanian, a prominent Lebanese businessman who quickly became a cornerstone in the economic sector in Lebanon, believes that Team Shogun is undisputedly one of the best teams in the middle east and the Arab region.

Chahe Yerevanian:

I officially announced my sponsorship for two of shoguns fighters today. I believe in the spirit of shogun which I can highly correlate with the mentality of Sayfco holding: Patience, planning, and following a strategy are key to reaching one’s goal.

When it comes to me, I see MMA as a team sport, opposite to what many consider an individual play. Shogun members work together on all aspects of the game to come out complete.

Rami Hamed is a fresh face on the Desert Force scene who quickly and impressively established himself scoring two consecutive knockouts in his first two fights in the promotion. Needless to introduce, Team Shogun’s Mohammad Karaki is still undefeated and holds a clean MMA record of 5 wins and 0 losses.

Team Shogun manager Louai Kiblawi added:

We highly appreciate Mr. Chahè’s interest in sports, specially in martial arts, and sponsoring our champs in a country where such type of support is greatly needed. That’s a superb initiative from a business man from such a caliber. Sports needs more men like him!

Big things are coming along the way… Hell yes!

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  • That is a good move .. sponsorship will help to improve the game in the region

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