After Houdhaifa Gdouda’s departure in Episode 3, Ahmed Amir surprises his mother with the news of his win while the other fighters discuss the fight. It appears that Ahmed is the underdog and they start to analyze why he was able to win. A game plan and heart are most important.
Thabet Agha, the early bird of the group, wakes everyone up and they head to the next challenge. They arrive at Snoopy Island in Fujairah. Each team must dive into the sea and retrieve pearls scattered on the seabed. The winning team must find either all 7 pearls or the most amount of pearls within the timeframe of 15 minutes. The challenge seems impossible as Muhariboun are down to 4 men while OusoudAlarab still have all 7. Tarik Benaamimi from OusoudAlarab will have to sit this one out due to an injury so the numbers are 4-6.
Despite his injury, Saad does impressively well in the challenge but sadly is unable to lead his team into victory. Instead, OusoudAlarab, with Chawki Lafif’s superior diving skills, win the challenge. They not only get to spend the night in Sandy Beach, but get to match-make the fourth elimination battle while Muharibounare sent back to the Al Batal camp.
OusoudAlarab settle in and start discussing who will be fighting next. Mostafa Al Shammari and Thabet Agha both want to fight. The team refuses to allow Mostafa to fight Saad Tadlaoui as it is understood that they would allow him time to recover until the 7th elimination battle when he has to fight. Meanwhile, Muhariboun start to wonder, who will fight next? Back with OusoudAlarab, it is decided that Thabet will fight.
It’s weigh in day and both teams meet at the gym where they are greeted, as usual by Randall Yogachandra and the coaches. The third elimination fight is announced as Thabet Agha from Syria versus Hesham Hiba from Egypt and the fighters get weighed in. Thabet weighs in at 81.4 kgs and has to cut weight while Hesham makes weight at 76.8kgs. Thabet trains with everyone else in a sweat suit and eventually weighs in at 77.4kgs. Sawsanhas good news for Saad. The ADFC team has decided to allow Saad to continue on with the program after seeing how much heart he has.
Back at the Al Batal base camp the fighters disappoint the coaches by not respecting the training schedule set for them. The coaches lay down the law and explain to the fighters that this will not happen again. Hesham also opens up and discusses why this means everything to him.
It’s fight day and the teams go out for a run with the coaches while Thabet and Hesham discuss each other’s strengths. It is apparent that both fighters have the utmost respect for each other.
The fighters gather around the pool for some fun as their morning run comes to an end. All except one, Mostafa, whom no one notices is missing. He finds his way back to the Al Batal base camp filled with frustration and anger as no one went out looking for him. His teammates voice their lack of concern over his misfortune as he vents to coach Lula Guerreiro. It seems that the bond between OusoudAlarab teammates are breaking beyond repair.
The teams are separated talking to Thabet and Hesham, advising and consoling each. Michel Aoun and Saif Narmoq try to cheer Hesham up while Georges Eid is with Thabet doing the same.
It’s time. both fighters prepare and warm up with the coaches and walk out to their respected corners to await the referees orders. Round 1 begins and it’s slow. Both fighters aren’t throwing anything significant and seem to be feeling each other out instead. Heshams corner, Michel, keeps telling him to protect his face, to keep his hands up. The mood is tense as both fighters dance around each other. Thabet throws a left and quickly follows with an overhand right that lands hard. Hesham is out as Thabet goes in for the kill. The referee calls a stop of this contest at 2 minutes and 27 seconds and the winner by knockout is Thabet Agha from Syria. He is the fourth fighter to be granted immunity while Hesham Heba is sent back home to Egypt.
Thabet is overcome by emotion before leaving the cage and apologizes to his coach Taymour and dedicates this win to him. Hesham is taken back to his room and asks why his shoulder needs to be iced. He has no recollection of what happened. Thabet enters to console Hesham and accompanies him to the hospital, showing true sportsmanship.
Episode 3 comes to a close and OusoudAlarab are now four men ahead of Muhariboun as the teams are an uneven 7-3. Thabet Agha humbly gets the first brutal knockout of the show and Hesham Heba is sent back home to Egypt.
Muhariboun are struggling to stay alive in this competition.