Interviews News

Ali El Ezzabi: I’m the 1st Libyan To Fight in the Biggest MMA/K1 Event in China


We at ARABSMMA are always on the lookout for our ARAB fighters that are scattered across the globe. No ARABs MMA gets left behind. A note to all our ARAB fighters that are all over the world, PLEASE feel free to contact us. We will maket you in the ARAB world, we will let you shine.

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“As for Libyan MMA I believe I’m the first Libyan MMA athlete who will fight in the big show in the world and Asia…..”

Ali El Ezzabi, When did you get involved in the sport?

I started with judo in 2005, then I got more involved with the sport in 2008 when I started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

What do you know about MMA Scene in the Arab world?

I have been following the Arabs’ MMA scene for a while now. I can see that it is growing rapidly. I’m a big fan of shows like Desert Force and G.F.C & Al Batal.

Do you know any Arab fighters? Do you follow any of them during their matches?

I enjoy watching Mohammad Fakhreddine, he is one of my favorite fighters to watch, and he always goes for the finish; well rounded and very interesting to watch.

Do you know any Arab fighters in Thailand?

I know one of the most promising Arab fighters: Youssef Wehbe from Lebanon. He trains with me full time at Phuket Top Team; he is a great help to me, as well as my other team mate, Luke Jumeau, who fights in Arab world, G.F.C.

What is your MMA pro and amateur record?

I had one amateur fight in China, Beijing; I won by submission. During my stay Beijing, I had been competing in a lot of Brazilian Jiujitsu competitions and high level grappling tournaments in China, since I was a blue belt. Then the medals started rolling when I got my purple belt. It was in the China Open in Shanghai 2013, where I got my bronze under 70 kg and silver at open weight. In the same year, I fought in one of the best grappling tournaments in China – Beijing Open; I got my silver under 70kg and another silver at open weight.

“…I moved to Thailand about year and a half ago; I wanted to work more on my MMA skills, sharpen my wrestling and striking for MMA…”

You mentioned that you had been training in Phuket Top Team. When did you join the team? Who are your trainers, and how is it going for you there?

I joined Phuket Top Team about a year ago, training here as a sponsored fighter. The team and management of Phuket Top Team are helping me, which I do appreciate a lot. All this time, it’s been amazing experience for me. Trainers are very professional and they are good people here. My Wrestling and MMA coach Eric Uresk has been a great influence on me. My Muay thai trainer, kru LeamThong, is very well experienced. A lot of professional pro MMA fighters have been training with him like Cris Cyborg and Rob Lisita. My Boxing coach ,Dmitry, is one of the best boxing coaches in South East Asia based in Phuket Top Team.

“I love being here, simply because everybody feels like family. At the same time, high level trainers and pro fighter from all over the world, living, teaching, and training in one gym! Of course it’s a good environment to train and build my confidence; one of the main reasons why I’m in Phuket Top Team….”

Ali El Ezzabi with Olavau Abreu
Ali El Ezzabi with Olavau Abreu

You mentioned you will be fighting in China?

My fight is in 26 October in Yunnan, China, MMA rules, pro fight 66kg against Chinese wrestling/pro fighter, AlaTen HeiLi, with 5/4 pro MMA record. I will be fighting in Kunlun fight event, the biggest MMA/K1 event in China.

Any words to sum it up?

I really want to thank all my coaches who are Eric Uresk, Dmitry, Kru LeamThong, Kru Nongsai, Olavo Abreu and Chet Quint. I want to thank all my sponsors Phuket Top Team, Vicious Circle, Titan Fitness, Arab MMA, Kunlun Fight. Special Thank to Tony Chen and Boyd Clarke.


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