Mohammad Triki – Tariq Hamdi
Co-main event is on!
Round 1: Both fighters in the cage with the champ cornered by Ali Al Tamaari himself. Fighters touch gloves, back and forth with both fighters landing leg kicks. Hamdi being the aggressive takes Triki to the cage. Tarek takes Triki down, lands in half guard. Now in side mount. Hamdi locks a triangle, but Triki manages to defends it. He’s out. Triki pounding Hamdi now, but Hamdi manages to get a better position, that was close. Hamdi now in half guard. Triki sweeps him, Guillotine from Triki, Hamdi spits his mouth guard. Referee warns him, round one is done. That was close. Triki almost ended the fight twice.
Round 2: Triki lands a rough leg kick which wobbles the champ, Stiff right hand from Triki. A lot of leg kicks in this round, making my job hard! 😀 A nice combo from Hamdi, not really doing damage to Triki who still looks brand new. Triki lands a left followed by a right kick. Hamdi charging with a helpless left hook. Triki looks very calm, Hamdi not sure what to do in this round. Right left from the champ countered by a left kick from Trigui. Nice Jab from Triki. Hasty punches from Hamdi, with nothing really landing most of this round
let’s see what happens in the third. Till now, seems like a new champ will be crowned.
Round 3:Triki opens with a leg kick, Hamdi being checks it. Hamdi being the aggressive lands some nice shots to the face. Triki counters with a left. Left countered with a right from Hamdi, Triki is down but stands back up. Head kick from Hamdi but Triki see’s it coming. Right leg kick from Triki. Hamdi charging in putting Triki on the cage and landing some knees to the legs. Hamdi now back up goes for a take down. Nice left middle kick from Hamdi, kicks to the legs of Triki, right from Hamdi countered by a left hook from Triki. Hamdi unable to take down Triki, or even land an effective shot left kick from Triki. Followed by a stiff jab that keeps Hamdi in his place as the 10 seconds clapper sounds. Fight is over!
Split Decision.
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My picks for today
Mohammd Ghorabi – Mounir Lazzez (Can’t decide but its not going to judges if it did then Ghorabi)
Mohammad Triki – Tariq Hamdi (Triki TKO)
Anas Siraj Mounir – Amr Wahmann (Anas Siraj TKO or submission)
Meshaal Al Khuzeem – Michael Aoun (Meshaal KO/TKO)
Rami Aziz – Chabanne Chaibeddra (Don’t know the other fighter)
Ahmed Makki – Georges Bardawil (Ahmed Makki judges)
Osama Saedy – Abdelali Yachou (Abdelali TKO submission)
Ali Naemi – Ezzedine Derabane (Ezzedine KO)
Hani Chehimi – Mehdi Oulhaci (TKO Hani)
Abdulrahman Alenzi – Ibrahim Traore (Don’t know them)
Noureldin El Zar – Mostafa Rashed (Don’t know them)
Guys how did Chehimis fight end? Tap out to a triangle? TKO? Not sure
Rami Aziz – Chabane Chaibedra ???????????????????????
Rami Aziz Vs Chabane Chaibedra after main event
What a fight lazzaz…..real high technique with taste of brawl.
Most other games the fighters were too protective
Desert force…pls. change the boring commentators and the weird presenter. ..
amine to that the presenter specially is utterly weird
Is there any coverage of Rami Aziz vs Chabanee Chaibeddra?
what happened to Ramis match has started
Rami Aziz – Chabane Chaibedra ? Whats happening??
Good day everyone. DF16 would have been a fiasco if it were not for the beautiful fight between Ghorabi and Lazzez. Anas Seraj vs Whman was also good. The other 2 fights on the main card were boring.
If you want to be the best, you must beat the best. That is what Lazzez did. A well earned victory by Lazzez. Excellent performance by Ghorabi.
أسوأ حلقة صراحة ,, وين سابين وين عريفة ,, مين هالمذيع الي ما يخصه بشي اسمه mma , لا عارف ينطق الأسماء صح,, وبيعلق وهو بيحكي تقول راديو قديم ,, ونتائج الحكام أول مرة أشوف انها 92 – 92 في مباراة طارق حمدي هههه ,, وما حدا عمل لقاءات مع الفايزين والخسرانين ,, وجايبينلنا سلطاااااان ,, والتصوير والاخراج صفر ,, الكاميرا بتكون في الأماكن الغلط وبتخليك تفوت أهم المشااهد وما تشوفها ,, أسوأ حلقة لدزرت فورس مرت علي !!!!!!
والمعلق السعودي كان مااااااا يخصه ,, اذا علق تعليق بيعيده 5 مرات عشان نحفظه عن غيب
تقول ما عنده كلام يحكيه ,, والأسوأ منه المذيع الي شكلو كان شغال في ام بي سي 3 وخايف يتكلم ,, أول مرة يطلع قدام تلفزيون