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Fight Fit | Distinctive Cardio Workout That Will Help You Shred The Fat

Distinctive Cardio Workouts That Will Shred The Fat


The fitness of mixed martial arts practioners hasn’t gone unnoticed in our days. Fighters like Georges St-Pierre, Johnny Hendricks, and many others have a ripped physique and lean bodies that perform at high levels and look great inside and outside the octagon.

Cardio exercises are considered as the most basic and the most effective exercises for burning fat and slimming. So if you are looking for some direction get the body you are looking for, without having to practice walking out in a hot weather or working out on the Treadmill, keep reading through the following HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout, highly effective for transforming your physique.

Before starting the circuits, you have to set a refreshing and relaxing routine including a cooling Body Wash to restore body energy and heat and taking care of your skin after a long and tiring exercise with perfect products from SAFEGUARD.


Perform the below in three circuits, with 10 repetitions the first time, 15 the second time, and 20 repetitions the third round. Do not rest in between the circuits.

  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Jumping Jacks

Jump rope for 3 minutes, and then take a 1 minute break.

Perform the below in three circuits, with 30 repetitions per exercise, and rest for 10 seconds between each exercise.

  • Walking Lunges with kettlebell exchange underneath leg
  • Pushups
  • Lunge Jumps
  • Walk-outs (inchworms)

Jump rope for 3 minutes, and then take a 1 minute break.

Perform the below in three circuits, with 30 repetitions per exercise, and rest for 10 seconds between each exercise.

  • Traveling Kettlebell Squats
  • TRX Pullups
  • Box Jumps
  • TRX Jack Knives

Jump rope for 3 minutes, and then take a 1 minute break.

Perform the below in three circuits, with 30 repetitions per exercise, and rest for 10 seconds between each exercise.

  • Traveling Side Lunges
  • Dips
  • Speed Skaters (lateral jumps)
  • Plank to Pushup

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