
Moroccan BlackBelt Hicham Hakam

Hicham Hakam is a BJJ black belt under David Vieira Da Silva head coach of Equipe Elite in Morocco.

Hicham Hakam is a BJJ black belt under David Vieira Da Silva head coach of Equipe Elite in Morocco. Hicham dedicated his life to developing and teaching BJJ in Morocco.Most of his training happened in the United States and Brazil where he acquired precious teaching and lifestyle that enabled him to transmit that same lifestyle to his teammates and students. Equipe Elite counts 3 different locations where classes are given in an organized fashion to give strong basis to everyone within the team.

What styles of fighting do you currently teach and practice with your students?

I teach Brazilian jiu jitsu in all its different aspect whether it s for the pure BJJ or the BJJ adapted for MMA fighters .

How do you look at the “conditioning” side of training and what specific types of conditioning do you do?
In my opinion we cannot overlook the aspect of proper and specific conditioning in BJJ and MMA alike.Having a body that could withstand all the stress that occurs during a BJJ class , sparring or even competitions requires the practitioner to adopt a certain way of conditioning that will enable him to have the athletic abilities needed. Proper weight lifting ,and not the one bodybuilders use, is essential to build strong body parts for grappling, proper cardio added to sprints will build explosiveness and endurance , circuit trainings will help the nervous system into having a better reflex and response in a fight .

What kind of traditions, values, and standards do you attempt to teach your students?

It’s all about being REAL, I wouldn’t attempt to teach something I don’t know, we keep our classes complete and fun . Beginner or advanced , the atmosphere within the gym should be as enjoyable as possible, people need to feel the respect ,the love of the sport and most importantly the feeling that they will progress every minute they spend on the mat.

What was the most memorable moment up to this point in your career?

So many to choose from , receiving my black belt with all my students watching, I am proud to have such great people around making our team Equipe Elite a second family outside home .

I would like to ALLAH for all his blessings, my family, my great professor David Vieira, my good friend Soufiane Hammoud teaching BJJ in France, my students, all my friends who support what we do and anyone who contributes in developing the sports in general in our beloved country Morocco, ArabsMMA for this great initiative of informing about the Arab fighters.

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