
Where’s the MMA Touch in Al Academiya? Zaid Mirza Justifies

Where is MMA in Desert Force Al Academiya 2?

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Desert Force Al Academiya Episode 3 is fast-approaching, and as many of you have already realized, not a single punch has been thrown! This new approach to a Mixed Martial Arts reality show has had its share of fans and haters. Yet according to a recent post by Zaid Mirza on his facebook page, Al Academiya show in its revamped format is sending a direct message to our Arab youth:

For all my friends that are constantly asking questions such as, why the haircut?

Why the rigid special operations training at the get go? And where is the MMA touch at Desert Force Academiya so far?

I would like to start by explaining that Desert Force Academy is NOT ONLY an MMA show as we dig much deeper than pitting two fighters in a cage. This is a reality TV show where we are sending direct messages to our Arab youth. A big part of our TV show revolves around loyalty, respect and love to one’s own country. DFA is all about challenges and sacrifices where we are building a healthy, disciplined, humble, proud, and honest Arab Youth.

I have respect for the fighter that wouldn’t accept shaving his head, he will for sure have his shot at desert force soon. However in DFA we are looking to set examples and send messages of courage, braveness, masculinity, toughness as we are constantly forging Arab heroes and fighters. At the end of the day, what’s the big deal of getting a clean haircut?

After watching the first two episodes of DFA, even I wished I was one of the competitors!! And I am sure millions of kids around the world wish they had the opportunity to be part of this one of a lifetime experience. There is nothing better than the Special Operations training regimen and lifestyle to build ones confidence, endurance and tactical knowledge.

Survival of the fittest!!

Survival of the fittest! Well that is surely a good way to view things. The contestants are not being tested with algebraic expressions after all. This is surely unorthodox but takes a special genre of athletes to get through.

Would have been good if some punches were traded though… Just saying ! 😀

Let’s wait and see what episode 3 has for us!

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  • انا محمد العنزي من الكويت وانا احد المقاتلين في البرنامج وقد انسحبت من البرنامج بعد ان فزت في الفايت الذي يؤهلني للدخول الى الفيلا وسبب انسحابي هو سوء تعامل المنضمين وهذا بإجماع من المقاتلين واستياء منهم ومع استمرارهم في البرنامج الا انهم كانو مستائين وانا اتحدا اي شخص يقول لي ان كلامي غير صحيح ، نعم التدريبات العسكريه وحلاقة الرأس ليس لها اي صله بالفنون القتاليه كما ان المنظمه صعدت على ظهور اللاعبين للشهره ولتقديم استعراض تلفزيوني كمسابقات كما ان اللاعبين اللذين خسروا في الفايت الاول خرجو من المولد بلا حمص بعد ان تعبو وبذلو جهدهم في التمارين والحلاقة الرأس فقد اخذت المنضمه ماده اعلاميه منهم وتكسبت من بيع البرنامج على ام بي سي اكشن ولم يأخذو ولا درهم او دينار او جنيه مع انهم تركو اعمالهم وامور كثيره للمشاركه في البرنامج ، كما ان المتسابق ماهر السلوم دخل الاكاديميه غصباً عن اللاعبين مع انه لم يخضع لأي نوع من التدريبات العسكريه عندما قال محمد ميرزا بعد رفض المقاتلين قالها حرفيا انتم لكم ٢٠ ٪ قرار في دخوله وانا لي ٨٠ ٪ من القرار مما يعني انه لاداعي لكلامكم فهو داخل البرنامج رضيتم ام لم ترضو ، وكان اللاعبين جميعهم يشتكون من المنظمين

  • are we going to see fights in the next episode? If no then wi wont watch

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