
Tunisian fighter Ben Hassine Aymen Snatching his first win in the TFC

Once again , Arab fighters make headlines in the MMA Scene all over the world.

Total Fight Championship 2012 (Mexico)
Venue : Foro Expo Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Once again , Arab fighters make headlines in the MMA Scene all over the world. This time it was Tunisian MMA fighter Ben Hassine Aymen Snatching his first win in the TFC.
After his loss To Ibrahim El Sawy in Desert Force championship, Ben Hassine Aymen earned a second round TKO victory Against Mark Milvitch in the Total Fighting Championship in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Aymen mentioned to ArabsMMA reporter that Mark was a very tough opponent on the ground and Striking wise.

“I got hit hard in the first round” said Aymen, ” I was dazed but managed to regain my composure”.

The first round was undoubtedly for the Russian, he comes at Ben Hassine with punches, hooks and uppercuts, and tags him Multiple times to the face.
Tunisian struggles but regains his senses and makes it to the second round.

The second round was completely different after Ben Hassine takes the Russian down, dominated on the ground for more than three minutes, exhausting Milvitch. Milvitch managed to to get back on his feet , but Seconds after they stood up again, Aymen landed a left jab followed by a right straight punch leaving no choice for the Third man in the ring but to stop the fight.
A classical TKO by punches for the Tunisian.

I fight for my country, my family, my Team “Tunisian Fighter Gym” and ofcourse I fight for my fans that support me all the way. Thank you ArabsMMA for supporting the sport we all love, but mostly for supporting the Arab fighters that don’t get the chance for such promotions.

Aymen is expected to Fight in the Next Revolution Fighting Championship “RFC”, more on that soon on

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