
What Happens To The Challenger Fakhreddine?

As a hardcore MMA fan, i was disappointed to hear about the decision made by the Jordanian MMA Federation concerning Arkhagha's suspension!

As a hardcore MMA fan, i was disappointed to hear about the decision made by the Jordanian MMA Federation concerning Hashem Arkhagha’s suspension. The violent act which was shown on TV is surely unprofessional but then again we are missing a different angle of the story! Is this really the federation’s business? Isn’t that a amateur MMA TV show? Are the coaches considered as employees or as fighters?


Mohammad Fakhreddine Vs Hashem Arkhagha is the most anticipated fight to ever hit the Arabs MMA scene. Hashem’s behavior should only have a negative effect on Hashem, that’s IF the suspension was rightful! For me this looked more like an assault than an MMA related issue! People should not take blame for someone else’s actions. So what’s next for Mohammad Fakhreddine? A training camp in Thailand which might have gone to waste! What will the challenger gain from this madness?!

We will not allow any immature behavior to ruin the sport of Mixed Martial Arts in any way, shape or form. Desert Force Organization will take severe measures towards everyone involved in the chaos. Action will be taken to set example!”, declares Desert Force CEO Zaid Mirza.

Well I can only hope that these actions are well measured Mr. Mirza! We are yet to see the Desert Force’s decision on a replacement, if any. Surely more to come on this subject as i personally make it my duty to crack this issue!

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  • I am a fan of Hashem but I was looking forward to see the match between them. I feel sorry to FakherAlden, because he prepared for the title shot.At the same time, it is not Hashem’s fault, he did not mean or expect it. I hope they manage to get an early release. Otherwise, I wish they find a good opponent to Fakheralden.

  • its unfair for fakherdinne , whatever happened , mohamad should get his shot to the tittle . hashem is out than bring out another candidate to replace hashem and when hashem is back he can take his shot as well .

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