
Arab MMA Fighters Camp, Brazil 2014

The camp will start on the 20th of January in the city of Brasilia, Brazil.


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Coach Lula Guerreiro spent two months living in United Arab Emirates (UAE), training athletes from the Middle East and North Africa in AL BATAL, the first Arabic MMA reality show in history. It came to Lula’s attention that the athletes had potential but needed to improve their skills if they were to join largest MMA organizations in the world (as the UFC). He decided to give Arab fighters the chance to come to Brazil for a training camp with some of the best MMA coaches in the world. This is a unique opportunityfor Arab fighters as they will experience the routine of professional MMA fighters, have high level training partners, and be properly trained by coaches who have worked with some of the most well-known and recognized MMA athletes in the world.

The camp will start on the 20th of January in the city of Brasilia, Brazil.

The fighters will stay together in a dorm room located above MMA Conditioning Gym. The room is complete with six beds with sheets, blankets and pillows, a large bathroom with two showers and two toilets, cable tv and wireless internet. Three Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be provided by two restaurants nearby. The close proximity of everything needed means that transportation is not necessary and will not be provided.

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