After an impressive KO victory in his debut with the Desert Force promotion , Mohammad “Da KILLA” Ghorabi instantly became the new force at 84 Kilo’s, No questions asked!
The latest rumors state differently tho! ArabsMMA reporter had it that Ghorabi will be dropping weight and will be fighting in the welterweight division.If that’s the case , then what can we expect from such an expolisive fighter at a lighter weighclass ?! Oh MY !!!
Why this sudden change ?
Check out what Team Shogun Manager Louai Kiblawi had to say about this issue :
Ghorabi’s win in his Desert Force debut was a shock for alot of people , but surely not for Team Shogun and other’s who know what Ghorabi is capable of. Fans expected El sawi to dominate the striking aspect of this fight given his impressive performance against Hashem Arkhagha. We had other plans!
As the fight was getting closer, Ghorabi was working hard and getting ready to do what he does best. A huge slice of the training camp was counter punching and it worked ! We knew he was going to KO , but the Tooth part was an added extra for our loyal fans (haha)!That same night , Fakhreddine defeated Tarec Suleiman in another vicious KO .. no flying tooth tho 😀 This left us with 2 of our best boys possibly fighting each other.This could never happen!
Luckily enough , I received a phone call from Mohammad Mirza , Desert Force CEO asking for Ghorabi to take part in the new MMA TV Show AL ACADEMIA as a welterweight!That was the best possible way to seperate out champions , we agreed !
You will see Ghorabi fighting soon , he is looking ripped and touch at 77! Mohammad is a natural born fighter , he has a killer instinct and goes in for the kill! We are working on his ground game as much as we can to make sure he reaches the final stage. The show will be aired on MBC action after Ramadan! Hashem Arkhagha and Mohammad Fakhreddine will be head coaches , and may the best man win!We already dominated the Light heavyweight division with Karaki being the Champ , and if things go as planned we will break legs at Welterweight and Middleweight proving that Shogun is one of the best academies in the Middle East.
Ghorabi looking Fit and Leathal at 77 Kilograms!