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Mohammad Karaki Talks Rami Hamed/ European Open BJJ Tournament

With Desert Force 15 moved to the 9th of February, MMA fans will now have to wait for two more weeks to meet Rami Hamed


With Desert Force 15 moved to the 9th of February, MMA fans will now have to wait for two more weeks to meet the talented newcomer from team Shogun, Rami Hamed. Rami was recently spotted training with Mohamad Karaki at Shogun Gym, he also caught our eye earlier on at Shogun during Selwady’s visit, and I can assure you: this guy can box! Rami Hamed is half Russian half Lebanese, and seems to have a very promising future ahead of him.

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Mohammad Karaki on Rami Hamed:

Hamed is our newborn MMA fighter. He will show people the kind of beast that comes from a mix of Lebanese and Russian blood. I recently picked Rami as my sparring partner. His striking skills are tremendous no doubt, plus his wrestling and defense are very solid. Not very long ago, I started training him on his ground game, and he has learned faster than anyone else. Believe me, you will see a new version of shogun fighters.

While he is finding the time to get others ready for their MMA fights, Karaki is himself gearing up for the European Open BJJ Tournament taking place in Lisbon, Portugal from the 21st till the 25th of January.

Mohammad Karaki:

The European Open BJJ Tournament is the most important tournament for me until the moment, and it is probably the best tournament after the world championships. The best and most popular BJJ black belts will take part in it, as well as loads and loads of fighters from so many schools from around the world. This would be my first experience there, and am very excited to put my skills to the test.

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